Sunday 24 July 2011


So, I've had some tests, blood tests and an ultrasound. The verdict from the doctor is that I have polycystic ovary syndrome. I am far from happy about it, but i've stopped being hung about everything, I've decided i'll get pregnant eventually whether that is in a few weeks or a few years.

I've got an appointment on tuesday to see the doctor to discuss fertility plans. In the meantime i'm going vegetarian for a fortnight to detox and then i'll be straight on the chaste berry and false unicorn root to help induce ovulation. I'm even going to look into crystals because quite frankly if it works i don't care how 'hippie' or 'kookie' it is!

so for now....i have a diagnosis, but it is the worst case scenario in my head!

mind the corners x

Thursday 9 June 2011

Vague result...

So, I went to the GP surgery on Monday just gone. I've got yet another blood test booked in for next Thursday at 10.15. Now it is just a case of go to that, give my best sample and wait for the results.
until the next time friends; mind the corners! x

Wednesday 1 June 2011


So, I'm 19 and I'm driving myself insane so I thought I would put out a shout for help, or just some companionship. I'm not a particularly open person, I mean I don't hide things from close friends but I wont tell all my problems to the nearest stranger. It takes a while for my walls to fall down so to speak.
right, down to it. Around three years ago (august 08) I had a miscarriage and since then I have been so incredibly broody. BUT, my other half (whom I shall refer to as Pixe) is in the middle of a college course and apparently isn't ready for a baby yet. None of this is a major problem, I mean it causes slight frictions but nothing we can't cuddle and make-up over. I respect him enough to not go behind his back and sabotage condoms and such, I love him enough to let my body sour and sag whilst i wait for him to decide we should have had kids while we were younger!! 
Anyway, the reason I wanted some support was because over new year (2010-2011) I had a period. I know, sucks to be me! I've not had one since. I'm not pregnant (trust me I must have done close to 50 tests by now). There is an inkling like everyday but that is soon crushed by the reality of what I might be facing....
Amenorrhea. The absence of periods in a woman of reproductive age. That is what I have, as much as one can possess a syndrome or disease. Now, while some may read this and think "lucky cow!" others may read this and completely relate. If you are the latter person, please get in touch, I'd love to reach out to you in the hope you can do the same for me. 
My mum has under-active thyroid disorder. She was diagnosed because she was losing her hair (slowly) she was tired all the time and she had amenorrhea. These 'symptoms' are the same as mine but my doctor said I'm anaemic. I've been on iron supplements since January because of hair loss. The blood test the doctor did showed that my iron levels were slightly low and so she put me on iron supplements which I took and I feel no different. 
I could have under-active thyroid like my mum. I could have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. OR I could just be broken. My GP surgery has stupid guidelines when it comes to levels of hormones in the blood. 
OK, enough of me rabbiting on. Support would be very much appreciated. Pixe helps all he can but with the prospect of never being able to naturally conceive a baby, never feeling that "o shoot, I missed my period...I'm pregnant." All of my future pregnancies will be planned and convoluted and so not what I want! If I can get pregnant at all. One thought keeps going through my mind.....what if I was never pregnant before and never will be.
That is enough from me.
Bed time.