Friday 4 May 2012

A little debate....

I expect anyone who watches TV these days has seen the latest in stop smoking campaigns, the one where the car fills with smoke that 'father' is smoking, it says you can't see it but it still does damage (or words to that effect) - well I work in a petrol station. What do most petrol stations and other shops up and down the UK sell? CIGARETTES! So, this women comes in, buys 60 of *brand* cigarettes (thats 3 packets) and when she goes outside, she sits in her car, windows up, lights a fag and drives off. Isn't it silly we aren't allowed our mobiles while driving but we are allowed to hold a fire inches from our faces!
The worst part of that story is the fact that in her car are 3 children. A teeny tiny baby in the front, and 2 kids in the back, not in carseats when they should be. She came into the shop and left them ALONE in the car, then goes outside and fills their environment with smoke.
Now while it seems like I am judging her parenting (WHICH I AM NOT) I am actually judging society. Smoking around children, babies and people in general should be completely frowned on. Screw it, ban smoking. The economy would thrive because smokers would have more disposable income. The hospitals wouldn't have to pay out for self inflicted illnesses. (now, just to cover my bum, not all smokers get sick and not all people with lung cancer have smoked 40 a day for their lives, but studies show a strong positive correlation between ill-health and smoking).
I can't see any drawbacks to banning smoking, OK so people would be annoyed, and cigarette companies would go down, and the companies who sell cigarettes would have to find another way to make money. BUT think of the benefits. 
I have a few friends who smoke and I dont want to upset them and I mean they are truly lovely people and are respectful of my dislike of the 'fags'. I am all for choices and all for using what is availible to us to calm down and chill out. I just want people to not smoke around kids, they don't have a choice that they are stuck in a car with the smoke, it isn't fair on them. 
I look after myself, I eat my 5 a day, exercise (sort of) regularly, my new bmi is 23.3, I drink 1.5 to 2 litres a day don't smoke, last drank at new year and still can't get pregnant, yet these people who are accidentally pregnant and still smoke and drink infuriate me.

On another note, I am now 10st2lbs (ish) which gives me a bmi of 23.3, so i'm still within normal limits and still no period, no ovulation and no pregnancy. FFS! got another appointment next wednesday so will stamp my foot until someone listens to me I think! That is what it feels like, its like I tell them one thing and they don't hear it. They see "no periods for 6months, no pregnancy" and think "make her lose weight - string her along! even though she pays her taxes more than the 3 accidental pregnancies we just dealt with, the people who are 25 and have 6 kids, smoke and drink to their hearts content because they don't get up for work or care about their childrens feelings, the government will look after their children but this broody, well educated lady, we don't need to take her seriously, least of all listen to her feelings!"

Let me know what you think below, or drop me a private email dudders91 at (stop phishing spam!)