Saturday 21 April 2012


I'm angry. I have been told by the so called specialist that I have to lose nearly a stone in weight and I will get pregnant. She seems to think that when I lose weight my periods will come back and I'll instantly get pregnant, the thing she hasn't taken into account is my distinct lack of 'normal cycle' prior to the pill. My last period was october but I have a secret. August and October last year I took one of my pills (the contraceptive kind). I thought if I had a period, ovulation would follow. It didn't happen.
I am very angry because no-one understands. I DO NOT have PCOS, my hormones are 'normal' (in that they are flat lining) I don't have too many cysts. 
I'm sick of being treated like a stupid person, I am not stupid, I know what is wrong I just need a doctors fucking signature, but they are all too self absorbed in their 'cuts' and 'figures' that I come last.
At the fertility appointment, the nurse had to ask us if we had ever been bankrupt, had STIs, any criminal convictions and if we did drugs. the drugs thing I understand, maybe the STIs thing, but seriously, such an invasion of privacy. It was a No to all of them so we cleared that bit. 

Thank-you for all the suggestions of what I could do, I appreciate them all. Advice is so precious and I wouldn't dream of being rude, but at this point in my life I am not going to listen, I'm 20, I know everything already!! :P

Mind the corners xxx