Friday 24 August 2012

Good News - ish...

After nearly 2 years of NHS Doctors telling me I have Poly cystic ovary syndrome I went into the surgery, let's say, very determined to get a second scan because nothing I tried had worked, I got a scan and blood test. I have a killer of a bruise on my arm now, the worst I've ever had! Results in a few days and they'll show I have mild hypothyroidism. The scan results were instant; NO CYSTS! Not one, very normal ovaries (borderline textbook). She scanned the rest of my gubbings as well. NOTHING VISIBLY WRONG! No cysts, no abnormalities, nothing that can explain the fact I've not had a period in what seems like forever. Nearly a year since a bleed and several years since a natural period. 
Any ideas lovely people of the world!? 
Mind The Corners x

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